Notes from someone pretending!

That's a rotate!

In 2013 Sean Parent gave a talk `C++ Seasoning` which changed my life!

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That's a rotate!

This blog post is a acknowledgment of a talk given by Sean Parent which turned my life upside-down and probably made me what I am. Now you would say what that might be, yep, I still am an imposter, but atleast now I know what to fake -- and this is -- thanks to Sean & the talk. Enough about me, so what is the talk!

In 2013 Sean Parent gave a talk at GoingNative, his talk was title C++ Seasoning which was about some tips about writing clean & efficient code. Among other things, in this talk he stresses too much on not using raw-loops and goes on to talk about how one should give a carefull read of the std library in C++. In this talk, he used the word "rotate" more than 20 times. He was refering to a peice of code which could be very easily implemented by a straightforward use std::rotate. He emphatically said multiple times "That's a rotate!". This talk also gave birth to a twitter hashtag #thatsarotate. Although, he only talks about rotate in this specific case, what he wanted to imply in my opinion, that one should be aware of the functions in the std library and one should always strive for readability. The hashtag was a sort of meme fest (long before when memes were a thing) people started pouring in with their #thatsarotate moments in life.

Ofcourse I would highly recommend the whole talk:

The full talk

If you want to know the back story of the comment where he mentions nobody knows what rotate does, here is the inside story:

Back story of 'nobody knew what a rotate does' [28:35]

And for me, my #thatsarotate moment in computer science was this talk.